Friday, May 2, 2008

Home away from home

Esta será mi morada en los próximos días, no me animo a decir hasta que vuelva porque -long story short- probablemente me cambien a mitad de la estadía. En fin, les presento el departamento -nothing too fancy though- en las manos de un sorprendido Jon:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's been a while...

...since my last post, and that's because my life has become pretty caotic the last couple of days. As many of you may know I'm supposed to be flying to Chicago next Saturday, and I say "I'm supposed" 'cos where I work you never exactly know until you're there. Anyway, that's the big news, I'll be staying there for approximately 2 months and a half, probably enjoying Chicago's spring and Giordano's world famous stuffed pizza (you CAN'T miss it if you're in town) -Pablo and César, DO envy me :P-.

At first I though I was gonna be staying at the local Oakwood complex, but it turns out I'll be at the Presidential Towers complex. So, Sweet Home Chicago it is for me then, I'll probably be buying a new guitar -an American Fender- not sure of the exact model yet.

Well, that's it for now, more news are to come when everything actually confirms, probably from Chicago.
